This year Thanksgiving was a little different than past years. Since my sister is recently married, my parents went to visit her and Paul in Savannah. John + I went to his parents for dinner. We spent the whole day there. The week before the holiday, our daughter, Jenna has been staying with Nana + Grandpa. Her school was closed all week and since we work and Nana is too far to commute every morning and evening for drop off, Jenna stayed the week. Normally, she loves it there but this week she was so homesick. We facetimed twice a day, which is more than usual. She was glued to us the whole day. She met us curbside before we could even get out of the car. She hugged us both then commanded a group hug, which is her favorite kind of hug right now.
As soon as we put her down, she pointed out her artwork from school, as if we would miss it. She asked Nana to tape it to the door so it was the first thing we’d see, when we got there. Lol, she’s the sweetest. Once we made it inside, she showed us the crackers and cheese spread she decorated all by herself. Then, she walked her daddy’s favorite treat over to him. She hand rolled each one, just for him. Boy…if that’s not love. We’ve been married for eight years. I’ve never made this for him…good thing she loves to cook. And boy, does this girl love her daddy!!!
After a little snack and conversation, Jenna took my phone and snapped these pictures. I don’t know what I’m impressed with more. The fact she loves taking her own pictures or the fact that she takes the kind of pictures I’ve taught her how to take. She loves taking those action shots and has no problem redirecting people to do it again if she missed the shot….my mini me.
One more proud mama moment, she reminded me to take a picture of the food before we all ate. Times like these remind me how much little kids watch us and soak in! I’m so impressed that she can hold her own and make her own plate now. And for a girl who doesn’t like to eat, the middle picture is her whispering to grandpa not to take her chicken leg.
Moment of silence for this big chicken leg. She ate 75% of it. First thing she did was peel off the skin and bite into it. I was floored! I had to remind her this wasn’t a chicken wing. She only took one bite of the skin though. lol
After we ate, I made my way to the massage chair. Jenna thought this would be a good time to lay on top of me, push on me, try to braid my hair, take a selfie and anything she could do to willingly not let me relax. Check out her new smile. John and I call her Fire Marshall Bill, for those of you who remember “In Living Color.” IYKYK.
After a short nap, in the chair, I gave in and let her braid my hair. Her only rule was that I couldn’t say ouch. I came up with new words and may have hid her brush when she turned around to look for more clips. This girl wants to be a hair stylist one day but I’m really hoping God has other plans for her. She’s very rough.
I hope you all had a great and relaxing Thanksgiving. Even if you spent the day alone or working, I pray it was peaceful and you’re able to spend time with your family on regular days of the week and not just the one day the calendar tells us to.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog. I think I can remember my way back to write another blog in a timely manner. It’s really rough learning all the behind the scenes of owning a business, blogging being one. I hope to talk to you more on here.
Until next time,
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